A Complete Guide To The San Kamphaeng Hot Springs

Jordan Walsh

A Complete Guide To The San Kamphaeng Hot Springs
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Located in the San Kamphaeng district of the Chiang Mai Province is one of the most popular tourist destinations of Chiang Mai, the San Kamphaeng Hot Springs. This particular hot spring situated in Northern Thailand is deemed the best out of the other hot springs in Chiang Mai due to several reasons.
Read along to find detailed information on the same.

How to Get There?

The San Kamphaeng hot spring is located in the Sankamphaeng district, about 36 kilometers away from Chiang Mai city. The most convenient transport to travel this long distance is your own vehicle.

The benefit of going in your own car or bike is that you can stop in between to savor the natural beauty on your way.

In case you are a tourist and do not have a bike of your own, you can rent it from these popular rentals in Chiang Mai. The signs on the roads are very clear so there are negligible chances of you getting lost.

Another option is to take a bus from Chang-Puak Transport Station to San Kamphaeng and then take a Songathew to get to the hot spring.


  • Address: 1317, Ban Sa Ha Khon, Mae On District, Chiang Mai 50130, Thailand
  • Phone: +66 53 037 101
  • Website: https://www.skphotsprings.com/

The San Kamphaeng Hot Springs: Overview

It is one of the most popular tourist attraction in chiang mai province. It is widely spread in an area of about 40 acres. The entire park is lined with lush green trees that even form a canopy at some places. The trees help to balance out the high temperature caused due to the boiling hot water streams and also provide shade.

The place is surrounded by hills and has flowers of varied colors and designs that make it more beautiful and interesting for exploration. It remains open for visitors from 8 in the morning to 9 at night.

There is a big signboard at the entrance and as you move ahead you will be able to spot two 2 natural hot springs shooting bursts of hot water into the air. These geysers throw the water as high as 20 meters in the air so be careful to not go very close.

The two separated fountains supply water to plenty of other streams in the park. You can dip your feet in these streams and enjoy the picturesque scenery of the surrounding hills.

Popular Activities To Do at San Kamphaeng Hot Springs

There are plenty of things you can do here to keep yourself entertained for the whole day.

1.Enjoy Warm Streams

The most popular activity for which people visit the San Kamphaeng Hot Springs is to just sit on the edge of the stream, dip their feet in the warm water and relax. The water is rich in minerals, especially sulphur which is very good for your skin.

2. Boil Eggs

Boiling eggs over the natural hot springs whose water is as hot as 100 degrees celsius is a popular activity here. At the entrance, you can find several vendors selling quail and hen eggs in small bamboo baskets for 20 Baht along with some soy sauce.

You just have to place the basket over the hot spring, hang the basket to a hook at the stone edge and wait for it to cook as per your preferred taste.

3. Swim in a Mineral Swimming Pool

At San Kamphaeng Hot Springs, you have both the options of swimming in common mineral pools or renting a room and enjoying yourself in a private pool. The common bathing areas are separate for men and women.
The mineral water bath is very good for your skin and also helps you to loosen up a little.

4. Foot Massage and Spa

There are foot massages and authentic Thai spa and scrub services available here. You can easily spot it under the blue shade within the campus. The cost ranges between 150 to 200 Thai Baht for an hour.

How Much Does it Cost?

The entry fee at San Kamphaeng hot springs is 100 Baht. Prices of other activities are as follows:

  • Body cleaning by scooping mineral water (20 Baht)
  • Body cleaning by soaking in mineral water (40 Baht)
  • Ozone mineral water pond (Adult: 50 Baht, Child: 30 Baht)
  • Shelter (200 Baht)
  • Big mineral water pond // 300 Baht


  • Shelter price per person = 50 Baht
  • Bungalow = 1,000-1,200 Baht per night
  • Tent = 150 Baht per person


The varied activities that it offers make it a perfect destination for a one-day tour in Chiang Mai. Seeing the stream throw up water at a height of 20 meters is a gorgeous scene you must not miss watching from your naked eyes!

Founder - Thailand Nomads Jordan started Thailand Nomads primarily for sharing his experience of exploring Thailand for several years. The objective is to help tourists especially digital nomads plan their travel itinerary when visiting Thailand.

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